Click Here to see the results of my survey in the spread sheet form.
Sixty eight people out of the hundred and fifty people that the survey was sent to responded to my survey. I based my survey on where people stood in the class, what they felt. I basically wanted to see if people felt the same way I did, but moreover I was interested to read what my fellow classmates had to say. One part of my survey was about how people read and what they we're reading. To me, the results were very interesting.
To begin, the majority of people who answered the survey, 18%, were in Class C. More people,17% read the class blog everyday, and only 11% of people read it once a week. 83% of people think the links on the class blog are helpful. For the people who answered that the links were not helpful, they're explanations can be accessed by clicking on the above link of the answers. 100% of people attend the majority of classes, and the majority of people, 39% attend morning classes whereas only 15% are in classes all day. 77% do not have children, and 65% have a job. I asked how old they were purely out of curiosity, the majority of people are in their twenties, but there are a quite of few people in their thirties. Most are taking between 12 and 13 hours of classes. 51% are juniors, and 49% of people spend 1-3 hours working on EDM310 a week. 81% felt that the workload was too much and when asked the question, "have you completed the majority of blog assignments given so far?" the majority 76% answered "other." 51% answered "no" compared to 49% who answered "other" to the question " do you think the blog assignments are pointless?" 69% said they have completed all of the projects assigned so far and 75% believe this class will help them become a better teacher. 81% think the assignments need more explaining and 69% wish that grades would be issued individually one week after an assignment is due. When asked "why?" to the previous question, the main answers were consistently that it helps them know where they stand in the class, if they're doing everything they're supposed, and that grades let them know if they need to improve their work. 87% agreed that they would like to see their grades for individual assignments. 56% felt that they had an A. The majority of people who answered the survey, 61%, read books over any other reading material. But, web-based material came in at a close second of 58%. Although, 41% preferred to read a book over any other kind of reading material. I next asked what was the last thing they had read. I asked this question basically because I was interested to see what my fellow classmates and possible future colleagues were reading. Yet, 34% hadn't read for pleasure for a month or more ago. When learning something new, 65% said that they would rather watch an instructional video compared to reading about it or listening to a podcast. Although, 56% (more than half) answered that they would rather read instructions, when learning something new. 72% felt it was better to be a technology literate teacher, and there were a number of responses that can be seen on the spreadsheet answers on how EDM310 can improve to better students.
So...what does all of this mean?
You tell me.
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